Sunday 16 January 2011

Mao's Great Leap Forward Poster Campaigns

Source 1.
I think my question may be along the lines of Mao's great leap forward, whether it was a success or failure for Mao. I want to display the outcomes of the GLF and whether it pushed China into a world power, or rather pushed it down the ladder of becoming its initial aims.
I found this poster, which promoted the GLF, my question is not a source question, however I want to understand the attitudes and promotions, and propaganda pumped into the Great leap forward.
This poster was promoted in 1960, the caption reads 'Start the movement to increase production and practise thrift, with foodstuffs and steel at the center, with great force!, 1960'
I believe it shows at the bottom, groups of people, from all different kinds of jobs and backgrounds joining together, with all sorts of equipment, to promote the GLF, and using all their skills to be able to work together and create China into a world power.
The centre of the picture, shows a man and a woman, the man holding steel with great triumph to use for  smelting, note he is using only one hand which is practically impossible, showing the strength and effort he is putting into working and reforming China.
Whilst the women is holding a batch of grain, promoting the agricultural activity of China, and to increase food production.
In the background there are waves of China, in order to create patriotism among the people, and in order to make people feel that they WILL create a new China.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joanne, looks perfect. Well done! I take it you will be completing a question on the Great Leap Forward? Have you seen the task due this week? Check out my blog. Ms Hayward
